🐘➠ | toot-it-forward

Submit a post to toot-it-forward and it will be posted to the next person to submit a post, while the last persons submitted post will be posted to your account at the same time. You won't know who your received post came from and where your submitted post goes to until 24 hours later, at which time posts submitted will be listed below for 24 hours. Please don't be rude.

Day-old posts:

privacy statement: I store the data I need to store to provide the service, and none besides, which in this case is: your account name, the post you submitted. I will not look at your data except to fix things when they break or to investigate complaints. You can contact me at halcy@icosahedron.webiste. This is a hobbyist project, service is best-effort. Source code available. Other Mastodon API experiments.